Sunday, August 7, 2011

Autumn Tree Colors - sassafras tree

!±8± Autumn Tree Colors - sassafras tree

Family assafras albidum - Sassafras

The Sassafras is a feature of other trees as there are three different types of leaves on the same tree. One is an oval shape, a sort of shaped like a hand into a glove. The third is a hand into a glove, with an inch more on the opposite side of the hand. The leaves are again one of the two colors in the fall, a burgundy red or golden yellow, sometimes with both colors that occur on the same tree.

The bark of young treesare green and smooth. The old tree gets, furrowed bark and begin growing a reddish-brown in color. The tree will grow to about fifty feet high and about three meters in diameter. Grow fas nice with a range of all the east coast to the east and west of the Mississippi River, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana and eastern Texas.

The root is used primarily to add the sassafras tea, perfume and fragrance to soaps. It is a sort ofRoot Beer flavor. The branches of young trees with white deer grazing. The tree usually forms small groves and is usually found growing with Paw persimmon, dogwood, maple sugar and Paw are.

Sassafras is an add color to the fall line of trees in the forest, yellow and burgundy colors flashing in the autumn sun. The three distinct types of leaves make it easy to identify.

Autumn Tree Colors - sassafras tree

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