Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Azalea Bonsai Tree

!±8± Azalea Bonsai Tree

Azalea bonsai is one of the most popular specimens grown. Within the azalea family you will find two main categories used for bonsai, the Satkuzi azalea and the Kurume Azalea.

Growing an azalea bonsai takes a different approach than one normally would follow when growing a bonsai. Most bonsai trees require a significant amount of direct sunlight in order to thrive. The azalea bonsai is just the opposite. Do not place your azalea in direct sunlight, instead plant or place your azalea bonsai in a shaded area, particularly during the hot summer months. Direct sunlight will affect the colors of the azalea and it will also lead to death of the flowers themselves.

Azalea bonsai thrive best when watered directly by rainwater. However, if you live in a particularly arid climate, or your region is experiencing a lack of rain you can augment the water by adding a tablespoon of white vinegar to a gallon of water. Apply this mixture to your plant only once a month in addition to regular watering.

Like most trees or plants your azalea bonsai needs fertilizer. When feeding your azalea, do not ever use any rapid growth fertilizers as these are very harmful to the plant. Begin feeding the bonsai in the spring. Continue feeding it every two weeks until the tree starts to bloom, then stop the feeding. Do not feed the bonsai at all while it is blooming. Once the blooming has ended then feed the tree once a month.

You can train your bonsai by pruning. Perform pruning after the flowers appear. Clip or defoliate the tree per your own desires and imagination. Do not allow dead leaves or pruning to remain on or near the bonsai. These can affect the health of the plant.

Another consideration is the actual soil that the azalea is potted in. Azaleas in general require acidic soils to grow, The azalea bonsai is no different.

The azalea is a very hardy plant that produces magnificent flowers. Because of the brilliant flowers produced the azalea is one of the most dramatic flowers grown as a bonsai.

Azalea Bonsai Tree

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